Using Test Kitchen

I’ve been keenly watching the evolution of the test-kitchen project and I’ve recently spent some time using it with the minitest busser to validate that my cookbooks do what I intended them to do. Remember, Chef is already well covered by tests to ensure that e.g. its various resources do what they say they’ll do. With that in mind, the key to using test-kitchen is to write tests that validate your intentions, rather than testing that Chef is doing what it’s been asked. This post will offer a brief introduction to test-kitchen, with a focus on writing tests using the Minitest Busser. I’d also like to extend a big thank you to Fletcher Nichol and the rest of the Opscode team and contributors who are making test-kitchen and related tools such exciting projects to follow.

To get started, you’ll need the following Gems installed (I’ve listed the versions I’m using; I had a few issues resolving dependencies, so this is left as an excersise for the reader):

I’m using the Vagrant 1.2.2 PKG package for OSX, and I’ve installed test-kitchen from source rather than using I’d recommend installing these dependencies in their own Gemset using RVM.

I’ll also be making reference to my contrived test cookbook, available on Github.

test-kitchen is configured using a .kitchen.yml YAML file in the root of your cookbook directory. If your cookbook depends upon other community cookbooks, you can use Berkshelf via a Berksfile file to define those dependencies. The extra cookbooks will then be downloaded and included as part of a Chef run.

Whenever tests are run, a .kitchen/ directory will be created to store configuration for your virtualisation platform of choice (e.g. Vagrant with VirtualBox, EC2 etc.), and any log files that are generated. This directory is created as necessary so there’s no harm in deleting it.

In my example, I’ve defined three recipes: default, foo and bar. Each of these recipes copies a simple text file to a location defined by an attribute.

Continuing the culinary nomenclature, the various providers that can be use to run the tests are called Bussers. You can use multiple Bussers in each suite of tests by saving your tests in an appropriate directory structure.

└── integration
    ├── bar
    │   └── minitest
    │       └── test_bar.rb
    ├── default
    │   └── minitest
    │       └── test_default.rb
    └── foo
        └── minitest
            └── test_foo.rb

In my case, I’ve defined a separate suite per recipe in my .kitchen.yml file:

- name: default
    - recipe[foobar]
  attributes: {} 
- name: foo
    - recipe[foobar::foo]
  attributes: {} 
- name: bar
    - recipe[foobar::bar]
  attributes: {} 

All tests are stored in the test/integration/ directory, with a directory named after each test suite. Each test suite directory in turn contains a directory named after the busser being used. In this case, I’ve indicated that I want to use the Minitest busser by creating a minitest/ directory in each test suite directory. I could use a different busser such as Bats by creating a bats/ directory at the same level as the minitest/ directory.

The actual tests are written using Minitest. In this case, I’m asserting that the file I intended to create has indeed been created. This does contradict my earlier suggestion that test-kitchen tests should verify intention, rather than Chef primitives, but this is a contrived example.

require 'minitest/autorun'

describe "foobar::default" do

  it "has created foobar.txt" do
    assert File.exists?("/usr/local/foobar.txt")

Note that in order for the tests to be picked up, they must either be named with a leading test_ in the filename, or with a trailing _spec in the filename. In both cases, since these are Ruby files, they should have a .rb extension.

In order to run the tests, simply run kitchen test. If your tests pass, a nice summary will be displayed in the output at the concusion of each test suite run. If your tests fail, the kitchen process will terminate, with logs being written to the terminal and in .kitchen/logs!


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